Monday, June 29, 2015

Last Day of 5

 I asked Havana tonight, the eve of her birthday, if I can still call her Baby Girl once she turns six. She didn't answer. But I know that Havana Ruby will always be my baby. Here are some photos of Baby Girl from infancy up to recent. 

I loved looking back and seeing how much she has grown in such a short period of time. I cherish how Havana is blossoming into her own little person. Havana is sweet, creative, funny, smart, artistic and did I say sweet? 

Happy Birthday Havana Ruby!

Almost 6 & Already 8

Amara's birthday is already three weeks past and now we are preparing to celebrate (Not so) Baby Girl turning 6. I still can't comprehend it all. 

Smack in between the girls birthdays, we had a pool party at the local swim center. Don and I figured since they are on the swim team this was a good choice. Fun was had by all and we were lucky enough that the sun was out (although it was quite windy). 

Sometime during the party, in between doling out homemade ziti and making introductions, I realized how the faces in the kids life had changed in the course of just one year.

In years past, when the kids were younger and we hung around with mostly families from our mom's group or babysitting co-op, the annual birthdays were a time for grown ups to connect as well. Familiar faces that over time had grown into friendships were present from one year to the next. Now that most of these kids are all in different schools we are not seeing those same familiar and comfortable faces as much.  Connecting with other moms and the kids we used to see weekly is increasingly difficult in this ever busy life when our kids are not home with us and wanting to hang out at the park. So in between dishing out ziti and pointing to the cooler, it struck me that over the course of their lives we probably will see many faces come and go and hopefully there will be a few that remain constant. I want the girls to grow up knowing some of the same kids as they get older. There is something to be said for friendships that are rooted in childhood.

As the girls grow, moments like this along with many others have reminded me of the impermanence of this life. During the party I share this the couple of folks friends my slow acceptance that this life passes quickly and how immortality is staring me in the face expressed and the frequent reminds of the importance of being in the moment and cherishing what is right before me because like the faces at the party, things change and they can still be full of joy and meaning.
There was a cake design battle between the girls. Havana is still young enough to enjoy decorated cakes (we were trying to do a Hawaiian theme) but Amara felt she was too big. Havana won out when we agreed to get some cupcakes to go along with the cake.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Havana's Last Day of K

Havana has finished K! Below are a few photos of the sweet ceremony for the KT class at MFS. 

For each child, the teachers told something about each student. For Havana, they talked about how shy she was in September and how much she had come out of her cocoon over the year. They named her the class butterfly. I found that very appropriate. Too often Havana is in the shadow of her big personality sister but over the past year we have discovered that Havana can hold her own when it comes to telling jokes; she has quite the artistic talent and she loves to sing and dance. She is also a pretty smart cookie. Because she is quieter that Big Sis, we didn't notice all of these things until this past year when she found her way during her first year of school.

Amara was able to leave class so she could join us for her sister's ceremony.
With Trina and Logann (and her buddy Simer in the background!)

With Don after the ceremony.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Last Day of School

This past Friday was the girls last day of school. Havana is officially a 1st grader and Amara a 3rd grader. That the end of school coincides with the girls birthdays only rings in the reality of time even more so.

Here, through photos are photos of how the girls have changed in their ever so quick school year.


 Here are the girls on their last day of school.

Over the past ten months Havana has:

1: grown an inch.
2: learned to read.
3: decided to let her hair grow.
4: made lots of new friends.
5: learned to write (she has beautiful handwriting.)
6: tried a couple of new foods.
7:traveled to South America.
8:has begun to finally swim.
9:become a Girl Scout.

Amara has:

1: grown 2 inches.
2:learned multiplication ,division and fractions.
3:decided to keep her hair short.
4:has learned to spell.
5:traveled to South America.
6:has improved her swimming.
7:stayed close to her two bff's.
8:became a Brownie.

Friday, June 12, 2015

First Swim Meet

Havana does not look happy here.

Because she is on the 6 and under team, Havana could have a coach in the water.
That was very helpful for her confidence.
The girls did their first swim meet this past weekend (it happened to fall on Amara's birthday). Both girls were nervous. Scared was more like it. They don't really know how to swim. They are learning, and making good progress, at their practices (which average about 3x out of of 5 per week), but they were very worried about getting across the pool. Don and I felt that just trying, despite their times, was good enough.

It took much coaxing from us, some friends and the coaches but when their time came, they did it. Not that well but good enough. They were cheered on by the bystanders who realized how little and new at swimming they were. Amara told us afterwards, "I don't want to do swim team next year" but when I told her she would soon be swimming like the others, I saw her brain digesting that information and putting it into the "maybe" file. For now, we will continue with our practices and meets and see how the summer swim team progresses.

I really felt Amara struggling here. We cheered her on and she eventually made it.

Happier out of the water, I can see the worry on her face!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015


My daughter turned eight this past weekend and while in the grand scheme of life, this is not that significant of an event, in our small part of the universe this is monumental.  

Children grow and change so dramatically in the young, quick years of their lives. Before we know it they are two shoe sizes bigger or reading a book. On one hand these changes happen slowly but in hindsight, when I look back at my girls, I am like, "How did that happen?"

The ironic thing is that I always notice the rapid developments with other kids who have been part of  lives, even if it's only been a few weeks since I last saw them. I notice the maturing of their face, the shift in the tone of their voice. It doesn't go unnoticed how their legs have grown taller or how their conversations are fuller, richer. It's funny that I notice this with other kids more so than I do with my own. Perhaps that is because I am with my gals twenty-four seven and it's harder to notice the changes when I am with them all the time.

I think this is one of the reasons I so compulsively photograph (and document) the lives of Amara and Havana. It gives me perspective and it helps me to remember; how rapidly their lives have changed in just a few short years. On the day Amara was born, or even when she turned one, all I could think about what was going on in that moment. I had no idea that in several years, Amara would become my little companion in fun and antics and my partner in reading chapter books. Who knew I would teach her to play solitare or take her to get a facial for her eighth birthday? 

That we are instructed by the wisest teachers to live in the moment is for a reason. To live outside of the moment, it takes us from what is occurring right in front of us and it removes the joyful surprises that future will (hopefully) hold. So as Amara begins her eighth year, I will try to stay as present with her as possible and enjoy that journey with her.  I will also try to notice more frequently the daily changes that occur in her young life. I also want to look back on how much she has grown and reflect on how Ms. Amara has been showing up since she landed in our family. Today's post are photos from the present and the past, in my attempt to do just that.
Sisters in the sun on June 6th (Amara's birthday)
At just two days old, Amara was already awake and observant. I knew from the beginning that she was a curious one.

Amara had a surprise from on her birthday; I took her for a facial. 

1st Birthday!
2nd Birthday!

With Juliet, one of her closest friends,  this past weekend.
This photo, at her 4th birthday, really captures Amara's monkey nature. For those who know her, Amara's silly nature shines through here!
June 6th, 2015

Friday, June 5, 2015

Last Day of Seven

Tomorrow Amara turns Eight! Eight! 8! Eight!

How did that happen?

Just last week my niece graduated High School.

In May my other niece finished her first year of college.

This life, is going way too fast!!

But today we cherish Amara's Last Day of Seven!

Oahu 2024

  It had been a long time since we were on Oahu. 2019 to be exact. Pre-Covid. We'd been to Maui, the Big Island (together and the former...