Friday, February 19, 2021

Scenes from Quarantine-Part 9


It is now 2021. 2020 flew by despite the multilayers of chaos in the world. 

We are now going into year two of the Covid-19 pandemic. 

We continue to work, school and overall stay at home.

We try to hike, bike and stay sane as much as possible.

We celebrated Christmas, Hanukkah and the New Year in a very quiet manner.

We chose to make one amazing trip, which fed the heart, mind & soul.

Mom got vaccinated. Mom is trying to stay as up to date on alternative ways to stay healthy (vs mainstream means which are not always helpful) for the rest of the family.

Trump has gone away. Biden is president. But not before Trump led an insurrection on the Capital building by the lost Q Anon cult and a whole host of other lost souls. 

Kai continues to torture his brother Samson daily.

Samson continues to ack like a grumpy old cat, not giving in to repeated requests for playtime by Kai.

We spent a couple of hours tie-dying for a middle school community project for Amara.

Amara and Don have continued their winter tradition to look for deer antler. with much success. Amara has  even found some skulls as has Anjahni

Our Girl Scout troop did a beach/park cleanup as part of that said community project.

The girls have gone bicylce riding, including with some friends, which proved to be very good rx for their mental and physical health. 

We are reading lots of books, cooking and baking.

We have started to sell Girl Scout Cookies pandemic safe style.

Mom is antsy about traveling and has already started planting seeds about post pandemic adventures to far away places.

We continue to try to get along, not get on each others nerves too much and to try to stay as sane as we can in these very strange, very unbalanced times.

Oahu 2024

  It had been a long time since we were on Oahu. 2019 to be exact. Pre-Covid. We'd been to Maui, the Big Island (together and the former...