Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Winter Medicine

It's officially winter. For California, winter means nippy mornings and late evenings. Some frost on cars and the sense of never feeling warm. It's not New York cold but it's still uncomfortable. The days are short and when we are lucky there is rain. Which means no sun for days. 

Winter and I don't have the best relationship. And this winter, with my funky, slightly depressed mood, ongoing internal and external shifts, along with two folks in the house currently coping with the flu, well, I have been longing some warmth and my dear friend, the sun.

This past weekend, with temperature a bit higher and the sun bright in the sky, the two non sick persons in the household went for a very much needed hike in the serene, remote (for the Bay Area) Alhambra Valley. We explored a new trail with steep hills that gave my brain a much need endorphin boost. And the two majestic messengers (red tail hawk) we saw take flight and sail overhead, they brought us reminders of the importance of stillness.

It was a precious gift to feel the sun on my face; to be warm enough to not wear a coat and to only see the Creator's beauty in front on me. More and more I realize the importance of getting away from the overstimulation of the concrete jungles. The icing on the cake was to witness Amara take delight in all the discoveries around her, using only her vivid imagination and her huge heart. It was not just a hike it was good winter medicine.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Holidays 2017

 The holidays were just a month ago. Yet it feels like a year has past, not thirty days. Time is such an illusion, isn't it? And perhaps because I am not so invested in man made holidays (don't get me started on the real birth of Yeshua, it wasn't December 25th) or how commercial they are (if the Messiah would return s/he would die immediately of shock!), I was thankful when January arrived.

Now I may sound like the grinch but I do appreciate the time spent with loved ones over during late December. It is always sweet to see those we care about and I do enjoy finding gifts for the girls, our nephews and nieces. Although I will admit that I/we mostly get need vs want for our gals. A few surprises are fun but I like the girls to know that the things they need (clothing, shoes) are things not to be taken for granted. Mostly though, honestly though, other than time with family, I am most thankful when the winter solstice comes and we then make our way towards spring.

I am the lone wolf  in my family around my true feelings about Christmas time. I know the girls love Christmas and Don takes pride in putting up lights and the tree. It's not because I am Jewish that I don't find Christmas time all the appealing. Yes, the reasons above irk the heck out of me but maybe there was more to it with this past year having been one of the more challenging years (more on that here Still, the most important thing is our family got to make some more memories with their family during time spent at Aunt Paula's for the annual Christmas Eve Soup Exchange. And honestly, being with loved ones, no matter the reason or season, is most cherished.

Here's a glimpse of some our family time this past December 2017.

Christmas Eve

Cousin Theo
Cousin Maria brought a pinata which was a huge hit for the younger crew.

Havana with one of the fun surprises, gifted to her by Big Sis.

Oahu 2024

  It had been a long time since we were on Oahu. 2019 to be exact. Pre-Covid. We'd been to Maui, the Big Island (together and the former...