Saturday, December 28, 2019

They're baaaaack!


The goats are currently back up on the hill, for a second time in the past month or so. They come a few times a year, eat up the grass, which keeps the fire danger down, and make for a picturesque scene in our neighborhood. 

The photos here were from sometime in November, when Amara and our friend Rallin, braved a cloudy, cold, grey afternoon and made our up the short hillside trail. There we found the goat herd, noisy, some skittish, some curious and each one unique in color and personality. It was quite the experience to get this up close and personal with the goat posse! I think tomorrow, when the sun comes up a bit, we may have to return for another visit!

Christmas 2019


This year, we returned to our family tradition of spending Christmas Eve with the Coughlin Clan, down at Aunt Paula's. It was hard to fathom that a year ago, we were celebrating Christmas on a spectacular, warm and relaxing beach on an island off mainland Thailand. And while the memories of our last holiday season are strongly rooted in my heart, it was sweet to return to the traditions of home. The girls had a great time with their cousins. Four year old Joseph has a lot of energy but is one of the sweetest little guys. He is full of love and curiosity. The older cousins and adults enjoyed a holiday trivia game hosted by Tia Paula, which was fun and informative. And as always, we had our soup exchange, along with homemade rolls and cookies, which left us full and satisfied. When we piled in the car, we were happy to have been able to spent yet another Christmas Eve with family. 

Christmas Day found us up a bit too early for some. The gift exchange went well, with a few happy surprises for the two, privileged, small gems. Although some were vocally disappointed that not everything on their list was under the tree. After breakfast and communication, the gratitude returned and inspired some to make the effort to do for others instead of themselves. The day got progressively better with quiet time with our gifts, topped off by a hike with the Hass-Jajeh clan and dinner and board games. 

This year, the holidays came quickly. Quite frankly, I was thankful for that. I am not one to enjoy the holiday season much. I find it too commercial and stressful (which is why that warm, relaxing Thai beach was such a great alternative for at least one year) and in ways insincere. Yet, the time with loved ones reminded me to what the season is about. It also encouraged me to make the effort to make more time in the coming year for quality time with those we love.


Ko Change, Thailand 12/25/18

Xmas 2018

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Festival of Lights ~2019

It was another lovely celebration of the festival of lights with our family. This year along with Ben, Theo, David and Jenny, we enjoyed the company of some of David's family. The kids played games,  we ate (too much, but the latkes Jenny made were so darned yummy!), shared stories of travels, our lives in the Bay Area and funny tales of our kids.  It was a relaxing, satisfying evening, where memories were made.

Thinking about the menorah and the reason for this holiday, I tried to bring it's context to modern times. This year, I think of the hard times we have had in our family (death, illness, family) and I think of the constant light of the Creator/the Universe, which is always present. Both externally and internally. That light which seems at times appears dim or even extinct is, in actuality, always present. The Jews all those centuries ago, they thought there would be no oil for the candle in the temple. But, as the story is told, the candle burned not one night but many. A reminder that the Creator provides., Always. 

This year, one that was filled with more sadness, worry and stress than usual, serves to remind us that no matter what, the light of Creation lives within us and we always cared for.  Just as our ancestors were all those years ago.



Oahu 2024

  It had been a long time since we were on Oahu. 2019 to be exact. Pre-Covid. We'd been to Maui, the Big Island (together and the former...