Wednesday, January 22, 2014

MLK Day Parade

 We joined Amara's school for the 25th Annual MLK Day Parade in El-Cerrito.
This years march was in honor of Nelson Mandela.
Two great men who led the way for so many.

It is never too early to teach our children.
I have long talked to my girls about my hero, Nelson Mandela.
And the trials and tribulations he endured as he followed his path
on the journey of his life.

Today we talked about Martin Luther King.
Tomorrow we will talk about the others;
Who sometimes used non-violence;
But who sometimes did whatever they had to;
"By any means necessary" stated Malcom X.

I have not shied away from the details of slavery, apartheid, racism.
My children are young;
But they need to know;
The truth of how this country was formed;
No matter how gory and brutal.
My children, and all children, Need to know.
And whenever there is a teaching moment, like when we were in Georgia, surrounded by cotton fields,
I use it to teach my girls of the history of our country

It's a great country but it wasn't always.
We have our shadows; we have a long way to go.

So we marched to support our school and to help remind others of the past,
the present and
how we want our future to be.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Lady Bug Girls

About two years ago, my good friend Val and her sweet tot Eli went searching for ladybugs in the Redwood Regional Park. When I read her post (, I was immediately inspired to visit these dainty and delicate creatures. I had to see them with my own eyes. And of course, I wouldn't go without my gals. A hike through the redwoods on the hunt for ladybugs would be an adventure. I have a special affinity for ladybugs; one of my nicknames for Havana is ladybug and whenever any of us finds one we get all giddy with excitement. They really are such wonderful little creatures.

 Well, it only took us two years to get there but it was well worth the wait. And it turned out that Papa was able to join us. He even invited a friend from work and his family.

Val's post was instrumental in planning our outing but we ended up going a different trail. We started at the Skyline entrance and took the Streamline Trail down and the Prince Trail to the Ridge Trail on the way back. All said it was just under 3 hours (with play time and snack time). The kids had a blast, the day was warm and bright, the redwoods magical and mystical and the ladybugs a bit surreal. There were so many...a gazillion we decided. This was one adventure will remember.

Havana with her new friend Alex. Havana, who usually doesn't like to walk much surprised us all by walking almost the entire 3 miles. There was a brief rest period in the wagon but for the most part ladybug girl held her own. I was very proud of her.

About 1/4 mile down the trail we came upon a whole heap of ladybugs. This was quite the surprise. We were not expecting to see any until we reached the Prince Trail, about 1.2 miles in. We could have stopped there but we just had to march on!

An opportunity to Be in the redwood a gift; they are simply magnificent.

Havana was playing LadyBug Girl, as she ran down the path!

Almost there.....

Wow! I had never seen expected that there would be so many.

Amara couldn't help herself from scooping them up, again and again. We did have a discussion about being gentle with  these tiny, fragile creatures. I asked her how she would feel is she were scooped by suddenly. That got her thinking and she was then very tender in the way she handled them.

The girls taking a break in the sun post ladybug girl visit.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Moon Over Yosemite

I watched the day go from day to dusk;

The air settling into nightfall;

I felt the sting of winter night grow sharper by the second;

And then the darkness came;

Settling upon the Valley;

Bringing with it, stillness, quiet; cold;

I stood and watched the darkness;

Taking in the stillness, quiet, cold;

And then came the Moon;

That powerful, magical Moon;

With just a sliver of light to guide me back;

To where the warmth could be found.

One of my greatest challenges as a very amateur photographer is to get photos of the Moon. I have tremendous respect for La Luna and I so want to be able to capture  it's greatness with my lens. On this early January night, I did better than I had previously but not quite good enough. This is one goal I do have for myself; to learn how to properly photograph La Luna.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Ice Skating!

 When the girls learned there was an outdoor skating rink in Yosemite they wanted to give it a try. I called and found out there were 3 daily sessions. Being early birds, we opted for the 8:30 a.m. session. Which turned out to be a smart move. It was frigid but not too crowded for two little people's first time on the ice.
Turned out Amara was much more enthusiastic. Havana was initially excited about after about fifteen minutes, mostly of staying close to the edge, she had enough. But that she at least gave it a try was enough to plant seeds.  She later opted to try the ice in just her boots!  
 This was Don's second time on ice skates and he did pretty good!

That's me getting in a few minutes or skating on the right. I as surprised that it was much easier than I anticipated to get back on skates after so long. When I was living in Rockland County, I used to skate on the frozen reservoir in the winter time. It was one of my favorite past times.  After all these years,  I wasn't great but I did okay! 

Views from the rink were breathtaking.
 Amara so love skating that she begged me to "please" take her again the next morning. So bright and early on Sunday out we went. I told Amara that I hoped she knew just how much I loved her because it was 28 degrees outside. Yes, I, Anjahni Davi, was outside, ice skating with Amara in 28 degree weather.  Although, it turned out I didn't ice skate with her. Amara took to the ice on her own. I figured she would stay close to the edge but it turned out that two younger people (a teen and an early twenty something) took to Amara and helped her skate around the rink. She had a blast and spent close to hour out there!

Half Dome in the background.

Amara with her new friend Vickie.

Ice skating turned out to be such a big hit that Amara made me pinky promise (where the heck did she learn that, I later wondered!) to go skating back home. I am hopeful that Ms. Havana will want to join us next time. I think we will try some kid lessons and have a go again real soon!

Oahu 2024

  It had been a long time since we were on Oahu. 2019 to be exact. Pre-Covid. We'd been to Maui, the Big Island (together and the former...