Monday, May 20, 2013

Pt. Reyes, Part 3 (Homeward Bound)

We left foggy Tomales Point Trail and headed back South, homeward bound. We made a few stops along the way to explore, take in the sights and soak in the sun before the fog rolled on down and blanketed the entire coastal area.

Havana doing the Tomales Bay dance!

Amara preparing for a leap!

Our last stop was at Inverness, which was is a stereotypical Northern California town (i.e.small, quiet, local stores selling organic and artisan foods and one selling all types of spiritual nicknacks, cards, and books).

Spirit Matters is the name of one shops we stopped in.

Little Sis enjoying one of the first nectarines of the season. It was from a local farm.

Big Sis trying one too. But having some some difficulty due to her lack of teeth!

The girls loved seeing Ganesh. They had never seen him look so big.

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