Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Homemade Corn Muffins

Last November, during our trip to see the girls great grandmother in Southern Georgia, we traveled back in to time to a 19th century historical village. The highlight of our visit  was the grist mill where we ground our own corn meal. Well, a year later, that cornmeal had been half used when I came upon a recipe for homemade corn muffins. The timing couldn't have been more perfect (ah, Divine Timing!), as I have been trying out new recipes for my finicky girls (well, Havana is the has the more selective palate) as well as to get the girls used to being in the kitchen. They love learning how to cook. So on this particular Sunday we got out all the ingredients and went at it. 

The muffins were a success, even Havana ate one. And that we actually ground the corn ourselves may have made them even tastier. 

We used a sifter we inherited from Aunt Merce, which has a bit of history itself. It's probably several decades old.

Here we are a year ago, grinding the corn.

Recipe (from  Honest Pretzels by Mollie Katzen-author of the infamous Moosewood cookbook- the one we used is a cookbook for kids)

Preheat oven to 375

You will need:

-Can of cooking spray or canola oil
-3 tablespoons butter
-1 cup plain yogurt (I used vanilla from Stonyfield Farms as I am not a plain yogurt fan.)
-1 large egg
-1 cup cornmeal
-1/4 cup brown sugar (the recipe calls for 1 tablespoon white sugar which I didn't use.)
-1 cup unbleached flour (I used organic, which is what most of the ingredients were.)
-2 teaspoons baking powder
-1/2 teaspoon baking powder
-1/2 teaspoon salt (I always use sea salt)

Once ya got what you need:

spray muffin cups

cut the butter into 3 tbsp and melt

put the yogurt in a measuring cup

mix egg in a separate bowl and add butter and yogurt together

measure cornmeal into mixing bowl and put in sugar

use a strainer or sifter with the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt  and then mix together well

mix in yogurt mix 

spoon in mix to the muffin tray

make for 20 minutes. 

Enjoy with butter or jelly or plain.

The recipe says it makes 6 but we got 9 out of the mix.

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