Monday, June 30, 2014

Havana is 5 !!!

Birth Day
June 30, 2009
Havana Ruby Modesta arrived. And with her birth, she made our lives brighter than we could have ever imagined.

1st Birthday



Happy Birthday Celebration at Disney.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Tia Paula

The girls adore their Aunt Paula. She (and Aunt Janet) were the ones who came after both girls were born, to meet them and give Don and I support. I think the bond happened in those first days. Aunt Paula always gives the girls her full presence when she sees them. That could look like hugs, cuddles, reading or games. Besides having raised four kids, Tia Paula has been a K teacher  for many years so being with children in a kind, loving, present manner comes natural for her. The girls get to relish in that energy plus more since she is their aunt and never seems to tire of them.

The girls just plain love their Aunt Paula. 

Aunt Paula came for an overnight visit this week. That meant staying up late, a long hike, reading lots of books and just enjoying our time with her.

We only wished we lived closer to each other so we could visit more often.
With a newly arrived Amara.

With Amara at 5 months. 
With little Havana.
 With Havana, 5 weeks old.

January 2013 (look at that hair on Amara!)


2014 (just last night!)

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

New Friends

Summer has barely begun and the girls have already made some
new friends that will make 
2014 a memorable one!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Havana's Preschool Graduation

Sweet, strong, sensitive and sometimes stubborn Havana is going to Kindergarten.

I am not sure how that happened.

I am not sure how the past five years flew by in the blink of an eye.

I could swear it was yesterday that she was born;

That it was last night that that she nursed every few hours as we sleep skin to skin.

That it was just this morning she needed her diaper changed three times in an hour.

That her joyful essence lit up the entire room.

But alas, it was not.

And now, five years later, Baby Girl is graduating from preschool and preparing for big girl school in the Fall (she will remain at Kid's Corner till August, however.)

Now she can count to one hundred. She can spell and read a few words. Now, Baby Girl can   dress herself and help with chores   around the house. Baby girl is         almost five and she is a leaving     toddlerhood behind.

But one thing remains;
                                                    Havana's joyful essence.

So Congrats Ms. Havana Ruby Modesta on your Preschool Graduation..


Thursday, June 19, 2014

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Peace, Sister

MFS Graduation

 I was deeply touched by the graduation ceremony at Montessori Family School (MFS). The school honored those moving up from 3rd year, 6th year and the 8th year middle schoolers who are taking the significant step towards their high school journey. (they don't call them grades; 1, 2 & 3 or Lower  Elementary are together; as are 4,5,6,- or Upper Elementary and then middle school is 7 & 8).

After a song by the lower students, each student who was moving up, or moving on, got to share their experience and feelings about being in the school.  The lower's read something shorter and the older students had something more prepared.

This is where, at the end of our first year, that I really got what this school is about. Each student that spoke made mention of what they learned; of their friendships which meant so much to their lives and of their teachers who taught them and pushed them beyond what they might have thought impossible for them. When the older students spoke I was deeply touched at the repeated references to the self-confidence they gained. How they felt more capable. These students had to write these speeches on their own. No input from teachers. That is not Montessori style. And that was referenced multiple times as well; how independent the children felt they were; how capable they were. They shared how insecure they felt early on in their MFS years but now, they felt self-reliant, self-assured. Each child had a solid sense about them. A groundedness that could be felt as they talked about both the good and challenging times at MFS. 

All of this struck me but what stood out was how the children's relationships (with peers and staff) played a significant role in helping them develop who they are destined to be. The children talked about kindness and support; they shared humor and tears; there were mutual hurdles and cheers when challenges were met. I saw before me a group of young people who would go forth into the world and be kind, supportive, playful and determined. Smart, creative, thoughtful young people who would become adults and walk this earth thinking more in terms of 'us' instead of 'me'.

I can't think of a better way to educate children. I can't think of any greater gift to give a child. And so my prayer for today is that all children somehow get to experience these things in their lives and that in our near future we all reap the benefits of a whole child education.

Lower students performing their song.

Amara and her beloved teacher Bharti.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Monday, June 9, 2014

Gal Pals

Juliet (on the right), has had a special place in Amara's heart since Kindergarten. Thankfully, her grandmother is my Girl Scout co-leader, so the girls have stayed connected since Amara switched schools for 1st grade. 

In her new school, Amara connected with Anaiyah  and the two have become like peanut butter and jelly.  But Amara's two best friends had yet to met; until this past weekend at Amara's birthday party. The minute they all met, they got on famously. I guess Juliet was the bread needed to make the sandwich complete!

Halloween 2024

  As part of my mental and emotional preparation around the girls getting older and individuating, I find myself at times pulling back on th...