Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Habitot to Hab-i-not! (saying good bye to out grown places)

Habitot, a children’s discovery type play place, has never been on my favorite list. I am not that fond of the low ceilings and dark lighting. But when Amara was little, we went about half a dozen times. She enjoyed it and hey, that’s what mattered right? Havana went when she was just a baby and when she got big enough to enjoy play places, I opted to check out other scenes. We did tot music classes and little people gymnastics and  toddler story times. But all of those things are becoming things of the past. Amara has long outgrown these things and now, well, Havana is too.

And that makes my heart feel heavy. I love that they are growing up but I really loved the first months and years of their little lives. I loved hikes with the jogging stroller or ergo when they would fall asleep to the soothing movement on the trail . I loved when their eyes would light up at hearing their favorite songs at Beth’s music class or how giddy they would become during bubble time. I cherished reading board books that we borrowed from the library and how their whole being would radiate at new things and simple things like cardboard boxes or pumpkins at the patch.

I will miss these baby and toddler things. I do miss these things. I felt this absence in the core of my being as I watched Havana flutter around Habitot for what would be our last visit. She towered over the other children; toddlers and babies who needed constant observation from their parent or guardian. Tots and babes who were still so dependent on their grown up. Tots and babes who were not yet able to flutter about and do bigger kid stuff. I could remember, I could feel, what Havana felt like in my ergo at her first visit there; when she didn't want to be put down. I could remember what it was like to play with Amara at the train tracks, juggling a baby and a two year old; and to share in bis sister's delight over painting on her own.  

There will be new things throughout their lives; new joys; new thrilling discoveries; but it will never be quite like was when they were still new little beings and so new to this earthly realm.

So with that I say goodbye to Habitot as I share photos of our last visit.

Havana is quite interested in art these days and she has been displaying some talent.

Havana requested I paint her face.

And insisted she do mine!

Then I had to keep the makeup on while we went for lunch! In Berkeley, I doubt I stood out much!

What better way to end our day than a slice of sicilian?! That is something I better she never outgrows!

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