Thursday, August 24, 2017

African American Animals

Amara with an ostrich egg.
When the kids were smaller we would listen to a song about going on a bear hunt. Well, recently while Nana was visiting, we went on an African animals hunt, at Safari West up in Sonoma County. The girls didn't know our destination until we arrive (another Mama Surprises!) but once we arrived, they could barely contain their excitement at the prospect of seeing wild animals up close and personal. Amara was especially excited that Luvey and Ellie might see some of their kin and both girls jumped at the chance to sit on top of the jeep which enhanced their adventure.

We encountered a variety of wild animal at Safari West but we learned early on that those we thought were African animals were actually born here on US social. So technically, they were African American Animals! Still, in was thrilling to get up close to so many different species of two and four legged ones.

Before the safari began, I had concerns that the girls might not make the two hour jeep ride. That's a long time to ask two little beings to sit still, watch and listen. Much to my surprise (and relief!), both Amara and Havana were enthralled by the stories, animal, hands on learning as well as anthropological facts that our guided provided. And both Nana and I also found ourselves oohing, ahhing and shaking our heads as we learned many new things like the fact that the Addax Antelope doesn't drink water and that their horns help to keep them cool in the heat of the Sahara desert. We also got to see an hours old Kudu nursing it's mama. What a special sight that was to behold.

Over the course of two hours we saw wildebeest, African bison, zebra, my animal totem the cheetah, ostrich, rhino, a whole host of birds and Luvey got to meet her kin, the giraffe. There weren't any elephants but that was okay; Ellie was happy to see familiar faces!

Having had gone on a actual African safari some years back, this was quite laid back (the animals while wild, were well used to humans) but for those who have not and might not have the opportunity to travel to the Mother Land, this excercersion, with these pretty magnificent African American Animals was still a worthy adventure.

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