Thursday, May 21, 2020

Scenes from Self-Quarantine-Part 4

As the Covid 19 pandemic continues and we, like most of the other seven plus billion people on this planet, continue to mostly shelter in place, we have found the days and weeks blending and the time at home getting tougher to cope with. We are more fortunate than most; Don and I are working. We can pay bills, keep our home and eat healthy meals. Yet the mental and emotional toll is impacting the girls (and their parents). Sleep has become disrupted, moods are not always stable, showers don't always happen, rooms don't always get clean, we are eating more than we should (which is a blessing, we know). 

It's hard being in the house daily, feeling the energy of the virus, the fear in the air, the confusion and distrust. Navigating school and work sometimes feels like walking a tight rope. Then there are days where we feel energized. That results in vacuuming, scrubbing toilets and tubs, gardening and other much needed house hold chores. The most important aspect to maintain balance and sanity however is getting outside. We have been biking, hiking and taking drives. As the weeks have passed on, we have taken liberties to social distance visit more. Mostly through hikes. This has led us to visit some new places and revisit some previously hiked gems in the Bay Area. Overall, we try to maintain gratitude and make due with what is. That we are all together, that we live in a special place and that we are healthy are gifts. Ones that do not get forgotten. 

We had to pick up supplies at school. Havana & some of her gal pals got to visit safely from their cars.

The three yentas! Auntie's Danya & Lani and Mama staying connected virtually.

Thanks to our friend Jen for taking this great photo.

Magic Mike teaching Amara Tai Chi.

Sacred grounds and sacred water near Moraga.
Crystal infused reading!!!

Bodhi, who has kidney disease, has been enjoying days in the garden. He loves the sun and soil. 

Safe Distance Hiking in the Oakland Hills. We hiked up beyond the Oakland Zoo.

Middle School Adventure Trip was a virtual affair this year. This was Amara during their last meeting; they were surprised with pizza and a virtual escape room. Bodhi thinks that he is part of Middle School!

Mama made a 20 minute drive to one of the two Dunkin's in the Bay Area. This New York girl loves her decalf iced tea and the girls love their donuts. They make the best!

Flowers picked from the Haas-Jajeh garden. This lovely bouquet was waiting for us when we dropped off weekly supplies.

Bear in Tree! (s/he is an Oakland Zoo resident. We saw them from the other side of their fence!)

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