Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Little Miss Reader (II)


I often think that Havana and I are different in many ways. But when I saw her lug her 800 plus page book about a mile out to Oak Creek Canyon, lay down a blanket, sit down and start reading, I realized just how much alike we are. Havana is an artist. Her creative and imaginative mind loves to paint, draw, and get lost in a good story. I can so relate. We both read at least a book a week. She all fiction, me mixture of fiction and non-fiction. She often asks me about what I am reading and I love to hear her summarize the current story she is immersed in. 

One of the hardest things for Havana during this pandemic has been the library being closed. Initially, the bookstores too. Not being able to read was really hard on her and contributed to a depressed mood. She has a Kindle but is not yet ready to take advantage of it. When bookstores opened a couple of months ago, it was a huge relief and celebration. Havana, who has been very cautious and concerned about catching Covid, was willing to risk going out to score some books. The first trip to Half-Price books, I let her go to town. She walked out with about eight books (of which she read about 3 a week, but remember kids books are smaller than adults. Still, that was impressive.) Since then, we have made several more trips to Half-Price, Barnes & Noble and a sweet used bookstore near our second Airbnb in Prescott. There are many ways to spend money and time but reading a good book is one of the best ways to do both. I am thankful that Havana and I both share a love of reading and an appreciation of a good story.

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