Saturday, August 17, 2024

Honu Medicine


I am not sure what it is about the honu that makes my soul child very happy but I want to do a happy dance each time I see them. Yes, I love wildlife in general, but honu are up there with cheetahs and sloth.  When in Hawai’i, I project my delight about them onto others, telling friends or family where to see them (but not get to close and never touch), encouraging them to see for themselves the magic that is the honu.

I love them so much I got my first tattoo of a honu while in Moorea. They are sweet, ancient, powerful, beautiful and strong. And so cute!

During our time on Maui in July, we were blessed to see many honu. I had a couple of close calls in the ocean while snorkeling when some almost swam into me. We saw the honu colony on the north shore including a young one. And when Don, Havana and Tamsin headed home several days before me, I found a place near our condo in Kihei where I got to see them every sunset, as they came to eat things off the lava rocks and rest upon the shores. Oh, honu, I loved seeing you!

I am deeply grateful that my two smalls gems have been fortunate to grow seeing honu and other incredible wildlife. This has brought them compassion, a sense of protection and respect for those who do just walk on two legs.

As for the honu, I look forward to the next time we get to see them again.

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