Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Havana Ballerina

Havana patiently (and not so patiently) watched her big sister in dance class for about six months last year. Havana just wasn't ready for a non-parent participation class. But now, at just over 3 years, she is ready. My sweet Havana, who has quite a bit of rhythm, and loves music, is over the moon about her new dance class.

These photos are from the first class. More to come!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Day Of Tikkun

Day of Tikkun, was a special event held in San Francisco a couple of weeks ago.

What is Tikkun? According to Wikipiedia, Tikkun is; Tikkun olam (Hebrew: תיקון עולם‎) is a Hebrew phrase that means "repairing the world" (or "healing and restoring the world") which suggests humanity's shared responsibility (with the Creator) "to heal, repair and transform the world." In Judaism, the concept of tikkun olam originated in the early rabbinic period. The concept was given new meanings in the kabbalah of the medieval period and further connotations in modern Judaism.
This special event was marked as a day of healing and teaching by some renowned, awakened, respected teachers, Shaman and musicians. The event was a gift to the community by former Silicon Valley entrepreneur turned seeker Eric Greenberg. Greenberg hosted the event, free of charge, asking only for donations to some local non-profits that support healthy body, mind, spirit. What an unusual and generous gesture in a culture where money is top priority. Even in the spiritual community.

I anticipated the event because I had long wanted to sit in the presence of one of the speakers, Gary Zuvav. I have also admired Marianne Williamson for many decades. I just didn't expect what a firecracker she was in person. I fell in love with her passion. The other speakers I were not that familiar with but they offered some valuable wisdom as well.  I headed out before the Rumi poet and music but I had strong instinctual feeling that I would have loved musican Snantum Kaur so I brought one of her cd's. I was not disappointed by. It would have been nice to have seen her live but I know that I am not less or more by having skipped it. The cd has provided wonderful morning devotionals for my 5 a.m. commute.

I will highlight some key points by Gary Zukav, Alberto Villolodo and Marianne Williamson speakers. They are all things I want my girls to know as they grow. So, like all my other blog posts; this ones for them

Eric Greenberg, generous host of the special event. He gave us a tremendous gift by presenting us with teachers of truth.

Eric Greenberg:

*Religion is separation. God is within.

*The world is in chaos because we are in chaos.

*Divinty is within us.

*Let's project light on the world to change the collective consciousness.

Gary Zukav

Gary Zukav:

*When you meet a person, meet them soul to soul. Not personality to personality.

*Become the authority in your own life.

* Don't believe me because I say something. See if it's true for you.

*When you meet who doesn't have a place to stay, offer them a place to stay.

If they are hungry, feed them. 

* If they want to leave, let them go.

*Even in criticism, essence in real.

*The longest journey is from head to heart.

*Authentic power is not the power to manipulate. That is external power.

*Real power helps you connect with Soul.

*The Soul can not be measure in weight but it is just as important and real.

*The Soul is about the non-physical reality.

*We (the human race) are on the ground  floor of major transformation.

*An expansion of our awareness is beyond our five senses.

*It's not the words you speak but the intentions.

*Emotions reveal love or fear.

*Love is positive and fear is painful.

*Addiction is your greatest inadequacy.

* Overcoming addictions is your greatest spiritual accomplishment.

*You don't have to die to go to hell.

* I am not 'I'.

*The pain you experience is because you don't know who you are.

*Love or fear are your only choices.

*This Universe is a spiritual enterprise.

*We are creators. We must be aware so we don't create from fear.

*No-one makes us feel anything. They only trigger us. You can change the trigger.

*All roads lead to home. Some are more blissful.

* Change the world by changing yourself.

I went to the event with the intention of meeting Gary. As I walked back from a break who was right there? Gary and his amazing life partner, Linda! They were gracious to let me snap this photo!

Alberto Villolodo

Alberto Villolodo:

*The West only knows linear time. Shamans know time exists in a non-linear reality.

*Until you find out why you were born you will not life your life as yours.

*Until I realize why I was born I will be living other peoples stories.

*We came to be empowered. To dream another story.

*Intelligence is knowing what H20 is. Wisdom is knowing how to make it rain.

*We're  not the story but the storyteller.

* Until we shed our skin we remain stuck in the story.

*We have to step beyond fear.

*We keep parts of ourselves hidden from ourselves.

*We project onto others.

*Until we own these parts we are not free.

*We project outward. But when we own it is Jaguar medicine.

*Hummingbird (medicine) drinks only the nectar of essence. 

*Hummingbird knows stillness even in motion.

*How do I practice stillness in chaos?

*As we monitor our emotions we see our intention.

*Western medicine focuses on the illness.

* Shamanic healing creates a condition for health.

*We heal another by healing ourselves.

Marianne Williamson. She has been a studen and teacher of  A Course in Miracles for decades.
Marianne Williamson:

 * The era of data collection is over.

 * (The Dali Lama spoke that) We need a plan.

  * Unless we mediate there is no plan.

  * We need to do more than mediate and prayer.

  * This generation needs to kick ass.
  * We have the power within us that is more powerful than bullets.

  * Outrageous radicals carry cosmic companionship.

  * There is no out there.

  *We need to be loving and kind to others even when it's not pretty.

  * If someone is hungry or homeless we need to be as loving and kind.

  * We want to be loving and kind when it feels good.
  * We need to be loving and kind always.

  *Are we aware of the threats of our democracy or are we 'too spiritual ' to get
    involved in politics?

  * No spiritual path of the heart would ignore the suffering of others.

  * The love that saves the world is not a love for the people we like to hear or what
     we agree with.

   * Real change comes from within.

   * What we engage with our heart we engage with forever.

   * Love is the bottom line in economics and politics. 

   * Each of us has a direct link to Source but we have too much static in the room.

   * All religions stories tell us of the potential that is within us.

   * We're on the titanic headed for the iceberg. What do I have to offer to that?

   * Consider the possibility that there may be another way.

   * What we carry within is more powerful than all government and corporate power.

   * Miracles arise with conviction.

   * We love when it is easy and convenient.

   * We need to start the day with meditation and prayer.

   * We must prepare ourselves inwardly.

   * Raise your vibration and attract like minded.

   * Give yourselves to Love.

The Q' ero Shaman of Peru

Grace Catherdral just across from the Masonic Center where the event was held.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Loma Vista Fall Festival

In our efforts as a family to do less rather than more, we chose to do only one fall festival and one pumpkin patch this  year. In the past, I have taken the kids to several events and patches but this year we want more home time. Choosing wisely, we picked the Loma Vista's Fall Festival, which was last held last weekend. The day was warm, crowds manageable and the farm big enough yet small enough to not get lost and it's familiar for the girls.

During this years festival there was the usual pumpkin patch, face painting and feeding and petting the animals. But there were some new and exciting things as well. There was a puppet show, a booth on learning how to conserve water (my big environmental pet peeve.) Amara won a water-saving shower head at that booth. There was another table with live bats that served to educate the kids on how crucial a role bats play in their environment as well as helping remove the fear of bats. And in the greenhouse the girls got to transplant a leaf into a small pot that we brought home. They can now take care of their new plants and learn the importance of tending to a living thing.

We ended our visit with the annual 'train' ride around the neighborhood. It was a perfect way to end our day!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Mid- October Sunset

This was our backyard view tonight. I love that the girls have learned to appreciate the splendor of the setting sun. Together we enjoy seeing her go to sleep. The bedroom deck provides the perfect location to be still and in-joy the brillance of the sunset. These moments with my little ladies are the ones I will cherish the most.

Oahu 2024

  It had been a long time since we were on Oahu. 2019 to be exact. Pre-Covid. We'd been to Maui, the Big Island (together and the former...