Monday, May 27, 2019

Camp Caz~2019

6th years ringing the bell for the last time.
Camp Caz 2019 is in the history books!  This year was bittersweet as it was Amara's sixth and final year at camp. Next year is middle school and they do a no-parent, away trip. Thus, Amara and the rest of the sixth years made the most of their final trip to beloved Caz. 

It's an annual tradition that the 1st through 6th years look forward the entire school year. I remember hearing about it the first time we toured the school. For Amara, Caz has definitely lived up to its hype. Like every other year, the MFS crew made the most of their two and a half days of their time in the mountains and redwoods of Sonoma County. 

Havana has two more years left of Caz, so while Amara's time is a wrap, thankfully, we don't have to stay goodbye to Caz quite yet. Despite some of the moaning and groaning from adults, the truth is, the parents enjoy their time at camp as well (well, except for the food!) It's a time to unwind and connect with nature and the children. I personally relish the time to get to know some of the children I don't have much contact with (mostly the boys as the girls don't hang out with them outside school). Each time I have that opportunity, I am reminded that our girls are in a special community with terrific kids, who work hard at learning both academically and at being in relationship with each other. There is drama and conflict amongst peers and sometimes jealousy and confusion as the kids learn to nativage friendships but overall, there are great kids who will grow to be wonderful contributors on our planet. Those days with each other out in nature at Caz solidifies those bonds with each other and themselves. We are most fortunate for our little corner of the world both in the classroom and in the fields and woods of Caz.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Magical Nights~Girl Scouts Dance 2019

This years annual GS dance was themed, Magical Nights. The girls took extra time to plan and prepare for the big night. The results were magical little beings. This year, the dance was super fun, maybe the best year ever. Dancing the night away, all the girls went home reluctantly, all wishing for one last dance.

Easter 2019

Easter 2015

Saturday, May 25, 2019

The Peace Closet Chill Space

Amara is someone who puts out a lot of energy. Be it in school, where she works extremely hard, with friends, where is likes to connect and do pretween girl stuff with or with her family. Sometimes the energy is positive. Sometime not so much.  A couple of years ago, Amara  found a way to help her to regulate herself my creating her peace closet.

Thankfully it's a walk-in so there is a good amount of space but it is still left feeling cozy. She has some clothing hanging up but mostly it's her blankets, pillow and stuff animals. There are posters on the walls and her collection of rocks and sea glass.  All which sooth her when she see needs to chill   She will tell us she needs"space", when upset and off she goes and shuts the door. More often than not, Mr. Bodhi, is there with her. The two of them just hanging and getting into the zone!

I love that she has this space for herself. It serves her well. Sometimes I intrude upon her in there and I am quickly reminded to back off.  It's reassuring though however, to knows what she needs to support herself and how to self-care.

Oahu 2024

  It had been a long time since we were on Oahu. 2019 to be exact. Pre-Covid. We'd been to Maui, the Big Island (together and the former...