Saturday, November 29, 2014

San Martin de los Andes

Our cousin Carly gave us a most generous gift while in Argentina; Actually two; he lent us his car and gave us the keys to his tranquil and comfortable home located in the southern Andes Mountain range. It was a long days drive but the views, once we passed through the arid desert landscape, were breathtakingly beautiful. Once we settled in, we spent several days relaxing in the cool, crisp mountain air (we went from 98 in the north to 40 at night in the Andes) in what is called the Lake District. We hiked, looked for golf balls (the house was on a golf course), napped, ate chocolate and drank hot chocolate all while nestled beneath grand mountains. We could see an imposing but regal volcano in the distance on the Chile side of the border. I took a ton of pictures, which was satisfying and soothing to my being (until Don and the girls got tired of me and started to give me grief whenever I wanted to stop the car!) We even found a troll forest. It was a magical place, the Lake District.

We had been told by family that the Lake District was not to be missed; that the area was beautiful. But I was not prepared for the majestic beauty we were blessed to witness. Gratitude filled my heart for days as we both explored and hung out in this remote, grand and sacred place, so far south on planet earth.

Puyehue-Cordon Caulle volcano which is in Chile.

The town of San Martin is in the background.

 The town of San Martin is a tourist destination. In the winter months there is skiing and fly fishing is popular throughout the year. Prior the the European invasion, there were ingenious peoples living in the area. Today, the towns architecture is directly influenced by those who settled in the area with those European backgrounds. I have not spent much time on the European continent but I felt like I was in the Swiss Alps not the Andes as I walked through the streets sight seeing. I loved the wooden designed homes and shops through out town.

The national flag.

We were greeted with incredible sunrises, blessed with warm, days and when the sun set and the chilly mountain air set in, we were bid good night with some of the most unbelievable sunsets. All I could think was how blessed we were and that Life was Good.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Hunting Dinosaur in Villa El Chocon

I just LOVED the welcoming sign to Villa El Chocon.
 While researching Argentina, I learned that some of the largest dinosaur fossils ever found where discovered in Neuquen. I felt like we hit the jackpot! Seeing family and seeing dinosaur fossils! How cool would that be? Amara is learning about the time line of man in school so a visit to the dinosaurs (or their remnants!) would be a mind blowing educational adventure. I mean it's one thing to read about these mammoth creatures in school. It's another to get up close to the bones!

The museum itself turned out to be on the smaller size; but the fossils themselves; not too small! 

 The above fossils were the first ones we saw; both girls were a little intimadated but this dude (or dudette) was laying down so s/he was harmless.
 This dude scared the took some coaxing but eventually Amara got up close. Havana not so much. She kept close to Don.

 Amara is not smiling in the above photo. That speaks volumes of how she felt about the dinosaur!
 Technically, it's a bad idea to touch the fossil. But I rationalized this decision by telling myself it was good Amara was working out her fear.

 Guess who got a kick out of the name of this fella?!

 I attempted some panoramic photos with my cell phone to try and capture the size and magnitude of the dinosaurs. They didn't come out so great but they will serve their purpose in helping us remember our day.

The girls signing their name in the guest book, which both girls loved doing.

Views (above and below) of the lake in El Chocon.

 After our visit with the dinosaurs we were all very hungry. There was one problem. There was not many options in Villa Chacon. Yet traveling has a way of working things out; magical things happen; doors open just when they are needed....and on that day we found the one open restaurant and met one of the nicest people we had ever met. Did it matter the girls and I spoke no Spanish and he no English; not really. Sure, Don navigated ordering the food (give thanks!) but where there is love, warm, compassion, patience....words are not needed. This man saw the hungry, tired females in our family and made sure we felt welcomed and that we ate till our bellies were full.

 By the time we were done with our lunch and the crankies were gone, the girls and Roberto (our new friends name) were getting on like they had known him long before our lunch began.
Roberto and his wife; they reminded Don and I both of our grandparents with their warmth and the love they had in their hearts for the strangers they fed.

Add captionThe restaurant felt like a cabin in Montana. It felt cozy and  homey not at all like a restaurant.

 The dogs in Argentina all seemed like pure breeds, even the strays. Roberto's dog was out standing guard over her pups. The pups were a magnet for the girls!

 Don thought I was crazy for asking Roberto about dinosaur bones (well I asked Don to ask) and where to find them. I figured we were in dinosaur country so why not ask. After persuading Don to ask for me Roberto replied with a confident "Si" and a wave of his hand, gesturing me to come outside. There he showed me...... Dinosaur Bones in found on his land! (to the left of the pole!)

Ask and you shall receive! Here are two, rather large, fossils. 

After a most satisfying lunch of pasta for us gals, carne for Don, puppy petting and dinosaur bones we headed out for the reminder of our journey. Villa El Chocon was the first stop on our venture West towards the Andes and the Lake District. We were given a farewell by our new friend Roberto and another of the locals!!

Oahu 2024

  It had been a long time since we were on Oahu. 2019 to be exact. Pre-Covid. We'd been to Maui, the Big Island (together and the former...