Monday, July 27, 2015

Fairy House Renovations

The room on the right is the original.

 Don and Amara have decided their Fairy House needs a renovation. They have been carefully and thoughtfully working on their second room. The attention to detail by the perfectionists has resulted in quite a magnificent outcome. It's still not finished but when it is I think we will need to submit it in a Fairy House competition.

This is the fire pit!

Friday, July 24, 2015

California Summer Sledding

We have been going to Fire Truck Park (or Cheese Park) since Amara was about six months old. It's a fun, safe, and sunny (sometimes too sunny!) playground not too far from home. Right next to the park is a skateboard park, which has long intrigued the girls and their friends.

I have never liked it. It's all concrete, it's steep and it doesn't feel safe. There have been many a time when the girls have wanted to explore it and I have hovered too close by as they climbed and crawled. But they are not little tots anymore. So on a recent visit with their pals Sasha and Naya, the girls asked if they could slide down the concrete hill with cardboard as their sled. How could I say no? So off they went. Cardboard slipped away too frequently causing holes in their pants but they had a blast. What was once off limits is now a source of fun. It's amazing how life changes so fast in the lives of little people.


Havana opted out until the very end!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

The RAC~Summer 2015

The past several summers has meant art camp for Amara at the Richmond Art Center. To say she loves it and looks forward to it is an understatement. For Havana however, she has felt sad that she couldn't attend. Well that all changed with Baby Girl turning six (the required minimum age). So late during the winter, as soon as registration opened, I signed both girls  up.

For the 3 1/2 weeks of camp, the girls reached within themselves and brought out their creativity in a variety of mediums under the guidance of their awesome teachers. The end result was a show on the children's work last day of camp.

I was particularly excited for Havana to attend because she's shown some artist talent. I wanted her to have a space to tap into those natural abilities. She really blossomed with her art during camp.

We have put much of the girls art work on their shelves and walls; beautiful artwork we will cherish for years to come.

All of the children's work.

Monday, July 6, 2015


June is a big month in our family. Two birthdays and Don and I's anniversary.

While Havana had her birthday party a couple of weeks before her actual birth day, that did not stop us from celebrating our sweet girl on June 30th, the day she was born six short long years ago.

Since we already had the big pool party shindig, we choose to be much more low key on the day Baby Girl turned 6.  I took the day off and took Havana on a surprise outing of a quiet, relaxing foot massage and pedicure. Along the way we stopped at Republic of Cake (the best bakers of cupcakes in all the East Bay!) and Havana indulged in two mini's when it was still the morning hours.

Before we left home, we sang to Havana and watched her open her presents. It was interesting to witness the difference in the girls. Amara is louder, more out going. Havana, she got quieter and more reserved with the spotlight on her. My decision to spend 1:1 time with her in nurturing environment was just perfect for her.

After a lovely morning together, we relaxed for several hours at home before heading out to dinner with our family and just a couple of friends. It was a very sweet way to end honoring the very sweet girl who graced our life just six short but long years ago.
Havana's new birthday dress. She is such a girly girl! She loved it!
Big Sis knows just how much Havana loves her dolls. So Amara worked for days on cutting out letters that she attached with colored string to each doll. The end result where Havana's dolls saying 'Happy Birthday Havana' .
They sure fight alot but Havana adores her big sister. Amara, while jealous, is also very protective of Baby Girl. This photo is symbolic of what lies beneath all the fussing and fighting; Sister Love. 
Reading the birthday cardsto Havana and (below) helping open her presents.

Havana and her Papa. Those two are quite a pair!

Oahu 2024

  It had been a long time since we were on Oahu. 2019 to be exact. Pre-Covid. We'd been to Maui, the Big Island (together and the former...