Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Pumpkins and More Pumpkins

Despite it being a Fall tradition, I didn't make a plan for our family to go a pumpkin patch this year.  I thought the girls had grown past pumpkins and hay. When I shared my thoughts, to my delight, I was met with moans and groans. So with short notice, off to Larry's Produce Farm we went in search of pumpkins to decorate our front porch.

When we arrived at Larry's, I was reminded that I love Fall and that I love pumpkins. There is something about those curcubitaceae that make me happy; that makes me smile. I noticed I was not alone; Don and the girls were grinning for quite some time as we searched for that perfect pumpkin (or two!) and had fun with the kids activities at the farm including a haunted house and hay maze.

I know that one day our girls will out grow the pumpkin patch for real but for now I am thankful that we all still take delight in this annual Fall ritual.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Pt. Bonita Lighthouse

Papa Don had a terrific idea; a day trip to Pt. Bonita lighthouse. The only downside; it took us about three weeks to make it there (too many weekend birthday parties!) But on this past Sunday, when the sky was unusually free of the infamous Bay fog and wind, we found ourselves at the Pacific Ocean visiting this this 160 year old lighthouse.

I had never been on the other side of the Golden Gate. Seeing the views from the other side was pretty magnificent and the short hike (half mile at most) down a hill, through a very old and dark tunnel and over a narrow and rickety bridge made it all the more exciting. The exercision couldn't have come at a better time having been holed up for a couple of days trying to rest and recover from a weeks too long cold. Being with my family in the sun and sea air were all the perfect medicine.

I can always tell my physical and mental health are improving when I feel inspired to take photographs. There were plenty of photo ops at this off the beaten path, hidden jewel. We may have had our first trip this past Sunday but I suspect we will be back again soon.


Reflections on Halloweens Past

I came upon these photos while preparing for a post on our current years visit to the farm to pick pumpkins. I was taken aback by how recent these photos were taken and yet in the life of little people, they have changed so much in such a short time. I feel time passing by so quickly and I feel sad that this life is so fleeting. This is why I take photos. This is why I blog; to remember the things that touched our families heart and brought smiles and joy to us. I am not so interested in posting yet another photo of my children but I aim to capture the memories because this life is so very fleeting.

I owe a big debt of gratitude to my friend and fellow (and far better) photographer and blogger Valerie Frey Stone for encouraging me to blog. I am so thankful that I listened to her wise words to keep record of the things that matter most.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Glimpses of the Southern Florida (Miami & The Keys)

While South Florida may not my earth home, it is the land of my birth and every time I set foot on the tropical soil I feel comfortable and relaxed. It is a home away from home.

During my recent short but rejuvenating stay, my camera was never far from reach so I could capture some of that which makes Southern Florida the special it is.

Oahu 2024

  It had been a long time since we were on Oahu. 2019 to be exact. Pre-Covid. We'd been to Maui, the Big Island (together and the former...