Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Four Friends in Hawaii

Our trip to O'ahu was all the more enjoyable with good friends. We've known Hana and Angie and their parents since Ang and Havana were just over a year old. Together, the girls explored the ocean and beach, pools, enjoyed ice cream, Pokemon books, meals and more. Challenging days turned into smoother days with friends around and the girls got to make more memories together.  

This year makes our third trip to Hawaii together and we hope we continue to make many more travel memorie as the years continue. 

Monday, February 27, 2017

Kapaeleele Trail

Hiking is one of my favorite things to do. Walking in nature; doesn't get better than that. Unfortunately, I nor our family has not done much of it lately so I figured we would catch up while on O'ahu. That was wishful thinking. We got in only one hike, which was quite lovely. With one exception. Havana wasn't having it! She was a fuss bucket from start to almost finish. As a New York,  hot blooded mama, I find moments of extreme stubbornness very challenging to deal with. I'm  often left with guilt and regret how I handle more difficult parenting moments, like my 7 year old refusing to walk on a hike once we have already started.

While one fussed, the rest of us got to take in our lush surroundings with an appreciate heart. We had to climb up step paths, through thick bush for the reward of spectacular views of Kahana Bay. We encountered orchid, wild flower and some unusual species of fungi and by the time we descended, Havana's mood shifted dramatically. She took over the map and guided us back. Something about nature makes for the best medicine for body, mind and soul.

At then end of our hike, we saw this road sign...with Don's 60th birth date on it! How perfect!

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Tongue Twisters

Nothing like a little food coloring shaved ice to make the day a little more exciting! Amara, Havana, Hana & Angie all were tickled blue and pink at their colored tongues and made sure to check on each other for hours to see if they still had shave iced tongues! Ah, the sweetness of childhood.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Two Sisters on O'ahu

Amara and Havana. Two sisters, two years and three weeks apart. Before Havana was born, I had hoped these two would be close. But the reality in our family was that it was a hard adjustment to share the space with a new baby. And, it was evident from very early on, just how different these two beings are. Still, they're sisters.

As they grew, they did form bonds and did look towards each other for companionship. There were challenges too. Amara, who likes her space and sets boundaries on what is hers and what is fair, is very protective her little sister when she sees her in any form of distress and she finds many ways to bring a smile to her sister's face.

Havana, she adores her big Sis, and the world shines around her. That sounds nice but can cause issues. Havana tries to emulate Amara which doesn't always go over well. As Havana has gotten older, she too has become more aware of space and will demand that what is hers stays hers and will not allow her sister to within ten feet of whatever she deemed off limits. Really, this all typical sibling rivalry stuff. Overall, they love each other and during trips away from home, they are forced to rely on each other more. That brings more fighting too but mostly more play time, explorations together and more love between these two sisters.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Turtle Beach

The honu at Turtle Beach on the North Shore never seem to disappoint. During each visit to O'ahu we are blessed to see these gorgeous, ancient beings.  Also always present are  human protectors  to keep the googling tourists, like ourselves from getting to close. It is their home after all and they need support from the humans to stay safe.

No matter, it is a sacred honor to get this close to these endangered reptiles. I never tire of seeing them and they make my soul child feel much joy.  

I am most grateful that Don and I are able to bring our two gems to such places where they can learn to appreciate the natural world. Planting seeds at an early age, will hopefully bring a life time or respect for their non human kin.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Hawaiian Wisdom

One of the sweetest moments so far on this trip to O'ahu happened unplanned and out of the blue. Life is like that, isn't it? We can plan, worry, analyze, try to figure it all out. But the truth is, life will happen as it does and it always seems to work out. A lesson I keep having to be reminded of.

After a hike that didn't turn out quite like I thought (4 happy hikers turned into 2 happy hikers, 1 fussy hiker and 1 coaxing hiker. It still turned out okay but...), we made our way back to our car, only to be stopped by the captivating sounds of a ukulele, accompanied by the voice of a (male angel). I stopped in my tracks to watch a group of Hawaiian folks sitting in a circle, under a canopy, singing traditional songs that soothed my heart and soul. When the girls decided to play on some tire and rope swings nearby, I thankfully sat on a log, so I could take in more of their sweet, sweet music.

When we finally got ready to leave, I noticed that the singer was a stereotypical large Hawaiian brother. How could that soft, soothing voice coming from such a large being? Life is sure is funny like that; unexpected, mysterious, humorous, joyful. 

As we got closer to our car, I noticed signs in front of their yard; statements of truth and wisdom. It was like the Universe had perfectly orchestrated it all; from fussy, to sweet, to profound. To top it off, the big guy glanced over and caught my eye and gave me a wave goodbye. I felt much gratitude at it all and set a silent prayer to remember the divine lessons of that moment.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Nature on the North Shore

 There is nothing as wondrous,

 as seeing the vast creativity
 boundless sense of humour, 
 and timeless beauty,
 of the Creator.

 Breathing taking, 
Awe inspiring.



Amara, monkey or Keiki, that has always been the question!! Here's my spunky, energetic little lady during her first visit to O'ahu when she was four months and now.....

Amara at 4 months at Turtle Bay Beach.

Amara, now, age 9 1/2, at Turtle Bay Beach.

Even as a new baby, Amara was super observant. I have never met a more curious human than Amara, who started displaying these traits when she was a few days old.

Here she is exploring the lava rocks, finding crabs, guppy and all sorts of sea things.

Amara and her dad have always been quite the team.

I love looking back at these photos, seeing how time has passed and how much the girls have grown. I am thankful to have so many photos of the early years (and current years!) to reflect on these sweet memories.

Oahu 2024

  It had been a long time since we were on Oahu. 2019 to be exact. Pre-Covid. We'd been to Maui, the Big Island (together and the former...