Sunday, July 1, 2018

Two Small Pilots

What an exciting way to end Havana's 9th birthday! A visit to the cockpit! And while the girls have had multiple opportunities to visit the cockpit, some of those memories were when they were young and so some are buried.

To have the opportunity to get up close and personal where the pilots do their thing, when they're a little bit older allowed them to enjoy it a bit more.

Havana also got a birthday wish from the crew, as an overhead announcement which she enjoyed but also felt shy about. She didn't feel shy about the kids snack box that they gave her what she shared with her sister!

The Adventures of these two small gems is anything but small!

Oahu 2024

  It had been a long time since we were on Oahu. 2019 to be exact. Pre-Covid. We'd been to Maui, the Big Island (together and the former...