Tuesday, September 20, 2016

2nd & 4th Grade




IMG_8658-001 We are two weeks into our 2016-2017 school year and I am still shaking my head that Amara is a 4th year and Havana a 2nd year. This life, this tricky, illusionary life, sure has my head spinning.

Was it not yesterday that Amara started preschool at Children's Montessori House of Pinole? Was it not just last month that we started K in public school, with little sister Havana helping out with me in the classroom 1-2x  week? How can it be she is now a 2nd year who dresses herself, makes her own toast and rushes to see her besties on the school yard?

Wasn't it just the other day that I had heart to heart with Amara about the challenges of going to K? How my heart broke at the tears she shed that first day. Now, four years later, we are still having heart to hearts but not so much that she doesn't want to be without her mama but more so about the fact that she graduated to a new classroom and the bittersweet feelings of leaving beloved teachers and friends behind while also holding deep curiosity and anticipation for two new amazing teachers, whom she has had some sweet contact while in the lower classroom.

All parents go through these feelings of sadness, awe and surprise over the reality that our most precious treasures are growing up so quickly. That in the blink of an eye a day becomes a month, which quickly becomes a year and then in a flash they are grown up.... 

Each year brings with it new challenges, new experiences, new growth. We are only a couple of weeks into the new year but so far the girls are learning so much; They are learning about change; Havana is no longer with her sister in the classroom; old friends did not return to the school but there are some new friends to play and learn with; some teachers left, new ones came; there will be new lessons, picking up of old lessons and many learning curves. Thankfully, routines in Montessori offer structure and safety that I am sure is most welcomed in all the little beings that have returned to school.

So here's to a new school year; one I am trusting will further support the development of my two precious gems bodies, minds and hearts.  4th and 2nd years we have arrived!




Sunday, September 18, 2016

Elk Crossing


Somewhere along Highway 101, in far Northern California, live a very laid back herd of elk.  During the last leg of our road trip,  we were quite surprised to come upon this large group of Elk, just chillin in the grass of a campground. During a road stop to pick blackberries, we met a traveling couple who told us to look out of these lovely creatures on our way south.

 I had been a tad disappointed we only saw that one lone elk in Yellowstone and here we were, witnessing more elk than we could count! Life sure is funny like that!





Sunday, September 4, 2016

Two Sisters in Summer


From multiple camps, to visits with family, to trips to the beach, Yellowstone and back. To celebrating birthdays (both girls and Don), sleep overs, movies and more; 2016 has been a full and rich summer. Sad to see summer making her way towards the exit......Here is a glimpse of some of our summer highlights.












Friday, September 2, 2016

Old Faithful


You can't go to Yellowstone with seeing Old Faithful, right? Well, Havana was opting for skipping it the day we made over to see her. Things in nature are not predictable, so we had to wait a while for Ms. Faithful to do her thing. I had to do a lot of convincing and coaxing to be patient because it would be worth the wait. (Havana repaid me with being uncooperative in a silly way, when I tried to take photos!)




Ms. Faithful didn't disappointment. After a series of false starts, we got to witness the world's most famous geyser spout her water so high in the air that spray hit us! That just delighted the heck out of both girls. So glad we were able to wait it out and witness another remarkable work of nature. 





Oahu 2024

  It had been a long time since we were on Oahu. 2019 to be exact. Pre-Covid. We'd been to Maui, the Big Island (together and the former...