Heavy rains & winds brought cleansing & purification today. And then we were blessed with this rainbow. |
Atop a Mayan ruin, deep in the Belize jungles (it took 4 hours to reach there by jeep.) (2003)
(I have no clue who those other travelers are!) |
Mayan Ruins, Belize Jungle.
Tikal; a most magnificent city in the jungles of Guatemala. The Mayan were brilliant people who lived in harmony with the earth. |
This is a date that has been thrown around for many, many years. There is a lot of misconception and confusion about 12.12.2012, 'the end of the Mayan Calendar'. So interesting that so many just assumed it meant the end of the world. I guess many give the Mayan's a lot of kudos in the predicting the future category. But the truth is it was never meant to signify the end. It is only the beginning.
I have been most fortunate to have done some powerful, life changing work with some of the indigenous peoples of this planet. Some of the Shaman that I have been blessed to have received healings from have talked about this date and it's significance. I learned a long time ago that we have been in the momentum towards a huge paradigm shift which officially begins on 12.12.2012. For the past ten or so years we have seen a huge shift in the personal growth movement (who hasn't heard of Dr. Phil or Deepok Chopra?), mainstream acceptance of healing and Eastern spiritual practices (yes, many of us have been studying the ways of the East since the 60's but the mainstream acceptance and commercialism is a rather new phenomenon) and a shift in global awareness and the reality that we really are One Family (Fair Trade, climate change.)
All of these things are part of the bigger picture, which is about us humans living more in balance with ourselves, each other and the earth. It is about us remembering who we truly are (our essence), remembering all we really need is within us (not talking food and water here but rather a shift in thinking that material items and other people with make us feel better or even complete us), and remembering that our actions effect others. It is time for us to live more in balance and that will not be an easy task. Many will resist and the results will be (and have been) catastrophic. We have seen too many school shootings, too many terrorist attacks, tribal wars, oil wars, tsunami's, hurricanes and other natural disasters that have wrecked havoc on countless thousands of lives. These things are part of life on earth and we may never see the end of them completely but as we continue to awaken these things will lessen more and more. But the process of waking up will prove very challenging to many and so there may be a long period of time when it really does seem the world is ending. And it is. The world as we know it is ending. And if we want to live more in balance today, 12.12.2012 is a chance to set our intentions of how we want to BE over then next decade as the human race settles into a new way of being.
So as I prepare to step forward into the new era I set up my intentions and I call upon those who are wiser and stronger (in the unseen world) and well as my True Self to guide and support me. I humbly accept that I have much to learn, that I am not as strong as I wish and that if I want to no longer be a sleepwalker I must go within and live from within versus living externally focused. No easy task. But my intention is evolution so I must make the efforts to do that which is not so easy to do.
I also intend the following.
I remember who I am more than I forget.
I am mindful, patient, aware.
I treat my body as the temple it is and I will teach my children to do the same.
I give thanks daily for this life and the blessings that I have and I teach the girls to have the same gratitude.
I continue to do the work of my soul's calling and move toward taking further steps in my souls work.
I treat others kindly, respectfully and with compassion.
I speak my truth honestly and directly.
I support my community both locally and my global family.
I remove myself from fear and negativity and that which harms others.
I am awake.
I look forward to sharing this era with my brothers and sisters on the planet. I am excited about the intentions being set today. I trust that this ending is the beginning of the rainbow after the storm.
Taking in the view of Tikal. (1998) |
View of the Jungle; I can still feel the energy of this sacred place. |