Monday, February 18, 2013

My Little Scout

Now that we have officially started Girl Scouts and Amara is a Daisy, I started to recall some of my days as a Brownie and Girl Scout back in New City, NY. I have some good memories of those days. Then I remembered that I sill had my uniform packed away in a storage box in the garage. Wanting to show Amara the uniform I used to wear, I pulled the box off it's high shelf and brought it inside. Amara, being her usual curious self, asked me lots of questions about the patches and pins. I couldn't remember all the details which got her a bit frustrated but after a while she was satisfied as she learned she would earn her own badges. What she wasn't satisfied with was that sashes are no longer used (vests and apron/smock type tops are now part of the standard uniform.) 

Fast forward a few hours, when I was doing some random household chore and I heard Amara tell me, "Mama, don't come in your room. I have a surprise." "Okay, Amara, " I responded. About ten minutes later I was instructed to close my eyes. I followed her instructions and then a minute later her sweet voice directed me to, "Open my eyes." When I did I found my girl dressed in my old uniform (which she was drowning in!). How sweet that my girl "wanted to be like you Mama when you were a Girl Scout." 

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