Monday, October 26, 2015

Reflections on Halloweens Past

I came upon these photos while preparing for a post on our current years visit to the farm to pick pumpkins. I was taken aback by how recent these photos were taken and yet in the life of little people, they have changed so much in such a short time. I feel time passing by so quickly and I feel sad that this life is so fleeting. This is why I take photos. This is why I blog; to remember the things that touched our families heart and brought smiles and joy to us. I am not so interested in posting yet another photo of my children but I aim to capture the memories because this life is so very fleeting.

I owe a big debt of gratitude to my friend and fellow (and far better) photographer and blogger Valerie Frey Stone for encouraging me to blog. I am so thankful that I listened to her wise words to keep record of the things that matter most.

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