Wednesday, October 7, 2015

3rd & 1st Years~Together

We are four weeks into our school year. This year, Amara is a 3rd year and Havana a 1st. In Montessori, the kids are in mixed age classrooms, which means now that Havana is a 1st year the girls are together.

Initially, I was concerned. I have been long aware that Amara needs her own separate space but so far with the size of the class and each having their own buddy (1st years have a 3rd year buddy) and friends, they have been able to be in the same room without much interaction. It's working out great so far.

The thing that stands out the most so far is that school has started. This impermanent life is passing by so quickly. The girls are already knee deep into learning cursive (Amara) and adding (Havana). Amara has started running club, with the newly formed Girls on the Run chapter at our school. Havana will hopefully start doing yoga soon with an after school enrichment class.

The social aspect of school is just as exciting. Both girls are thrilled to be with their friends, both old and new, and not a school day passes without pleas for a playdate. Besides consistent pleas for hanging out with their pals, I have to be armed with snacks for my "I'm starving" girls. They are often silent the ride home as they eat and decompress from their full day. And at night they fall asleep spent from their full day of learning, community and fun.

Line up on the first day
Amara and her buddies, including BFF Aniyah, so excited to be back together again.

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