Friday, December 18, 2020

Central Georgia Roots


My bio brother Bobby recently ended up in the ICU in his hometown, Cordele, Georgia. Cordele is a small, one street town. Not much to see and not much to do. It is famous for being the watermelon capital of the world. Most of the industry is farming including cotton (with it's connection to slavery.) This is where our beloved maternal grandmother retired to and spent the last thirty plus years of her life. This is where she was laid to rest when died at age 93. Our roots are deep in Cordele. Our great grandmother and her people settled well over a hundred years ag. Grandma's family branched out south to Miami, then Key West. My bio mom and her siblings were all born in South Florida and eventually Bobby and my sister Kimberly were born and raised (we share the same mama but different fathers) in Key West. Over time, they too branched out. Kim to Central Florida but in more recent years back in Key West. Bobby eventually making his way back to Cordele when grandma was still alive and where our Uncle Wayne spent the last years of his life.  Cordele may not be big spot on the map but it is a special place, for that is where our family roots started. 

Being adopted (and having found my siblings at age 22), I am always deeply grateful to learn about and explore where I came from. So even though my trip to Cordele was one of deep concern for my brother, my sister and I still a small bit of our time connecting with the earth in that part of the world where part of our family tree is rooted. We went by the houses of our grandmother and great grandmother. We hiked in the woods outside of town. We talked about the family history and even took a drive 30 miles out to visit Jimmy Carter's place. My sister and I remarked how in such a rural and removed place, there is much beauty and much good. 

Here are some photos of our time where are roots began.

Our grandmother's home.

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