Friday, December 11, 2020

Our Collective & Individual Cultural Shadows


I know that everything happens as divinely planned. This universal truth is something that I remind my two small gems that often. During this world pandemic of Covid-19 and  the video murder of George Floyd, I know for sure , that these times are an invitation  to face our shadows. To take a hard look within ourselves about what we believe and feel about others as well as ourselves. These world events are inviting us to face our collective and individual shadows. 

 This year, and for the past four years really, the truth of racial divide and hatred as well as fear of others,  has not been has obvious than it has in decades.  Thanks to a narcissist, racist, misogynist president (and I mean thanks sincerely because this is ultimately a gift to our own freedom), the dark is coming to the light ever more so.  No longer hidden, the truth of the impact of deep systemic racism is this country is revealed. Through the events of these times, we are invited to explore ourselves and what we think and believe about others. Personally, I have had to questions my own thoughts, some which pop into my head, leaving me surprised and questioning, "Wow, where did that thought come from? Do I really think that way?" The inner inquiry that follows has allowed me to see where in my own life I hold my own racist thoughts, some learned, some from my own experiences but all ignorant. 

The work is not easy. To admit my thoughts or actions stem from a place that is the opposite of love,  to admit that these thoughts or actions hurt others, is deeply humbling. Who wants to admit that despite their loud cries for justice, equality and one love, that they too hold  unconscious or conscious biased? I know that is something I had to struggle with for a minute. But truth is my calling.  Revealing the truth, letting what lies beneath to be seen and exposed, that is my purpose in my own personal evolution and in the way I serve others. That is what I do as a healer (in Western terms we call it psychotherapist but healer is it's true name), I expose the truth. And so I must always inquire within myself to see what lies within. What is exposed may be truth yet not always the ultimate truth. What do I mean by that? In exploring my own thoughts and actions, my dissecting them, I have uncovered some of the origins of my thoughts and actions are not always things that were planted by me. Yet, I may have unconsciously or consciously allowed them to take root. Ultimately, it is up to be to be mindful of my thoughts and actions in every moment to do the work to free myself.  And in my own freedom, I then create the space for freedom in those around me.

In my recent trip to Georgia to visit my ailing brother,  my sister and I came upon the house that you see here.  It was not surprising. We were in central, rural Georgia.  The truth about slavery, the civil war, the hatred and fear that people feel about one another is alive and well.  Some may be appalled by someone flying this flag in front of their home. I was left feeling a tad of respect. As least those that let their racial flag fly were open and honest about what they felt and supported.  More often than not, most hid their true racist feelings. But whether you hide from others or let it fly freely, these times are an invitation to dig down and deep, to dig up those roots and explore them.  My prayer is that each human being would do this work but sadly, I know that this is not the case. So all I can do is my own work and plant seeds in my own children that when they take root may have a different outcome. 


  1. I agree, Anjahni, I prefer to see people wear their racism on their sleeve. I know what to expect from them, not the others hiding their true beliefs!

  2. Very interesting and well written, Anjahni. At one time of my journey I started to ask "who just said that?" (in me) and I could see a human shape. I would then speak to her/him and point out the misunderstanding in the light of spiritual truth and love. The teaching helped. It is not your own thinking alone that you encounter but collective misunderstanding. While you speak to the bearer of the thought, you also speak to yourself. instead of controlling thought. The work goes beyond you. Your heart is in the right place - so let IT address it rather than your mind. Do not try to make yourself a better person. It won't work. We are all one. None of us is just a bundle of thoughts -collective consciousness or unconsciousness as it were will always need externalizing. I do not know whether this is understandable.

    1. Thank you for that. It is understandable and helped me to have correct thinking. Namaste.


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