Saturday, April 7, 2018

Sweet Sloths

Meet Sammie  & Dahabie Gonzalez; Two very, sweet, domesticated sloths that we fell head over heels in love with during our last stop in Panama.

Sammy (a girl) and Dahabie (a boy), were orphaned when they were babies. Sadly, Panamanians have historically not liked sloth. One of their mother's was killed by humans. The other's mama electrocuted by wires as she crossed the road (this happens far too often in Panama).

Lucky for these two darlings, they were adopted by the very committed and compassionate Ursula and Harry as wee sloth. They now make their home in a small bed & breakfast in the mountains of El Valle where they charm all of the guests that come to stay there .

When I was researching Panama, I knew sloth were at the top of things I hoped to experience. Seeing sloths has been on by 'things to do' list for many years. Nothing makes my soul child happier than seeing wildlife. During my research, I discovered there was the opportunity to stay at a place with rescued sloth. So while it was a dream come true to see several sloth in the wild up in Gamboa, the idea of staying somewhere where we could get up close and personal was something that made my soul child jump up and down at.

Meet Samie and Dahabie, the two sloth that allowed for that up close and personal experience. They were the icing on the cake during our last excursion in Panama. For two days, when in our flat at Casa Mariposa (that's the name of their home), the girls would watch them sleep (they do that most of the day), waiting for them to open their soulful eyes so they could say hello. 

 I was deeply moved by these two sloth. Their precious faces that seemed to smile at us, their soft fur and tummies that liked rubs and their preference for fresh food all aided in use falling madly in love with them. Much to our delight, when we arrived, we learned these two had a baby and so there was a one year old baby girl sloth that also resided there. We were so in love that it was hard to say goodbye when it came time to leave! 

In the month since we have returned home, we think about this sweet sloth family often. It seems every few days something reminds us of them and the joy we experienced in meeting them. Traveling to new places can open the mind and heart. Sammie, Dahabie and their girl did just that for our family and they now have a permanent happy place in our hearts.

The loving parents of the the sloth family.

Dahabie and his daughter. 

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