Monday, March 30, 2015

Annual Egg Hunt

It's Spring and with that comes our annual WestCoCo Moms Egg Hunt. The kids are getting older which means families are going in different directions as they start different schools and start getting tuned into those communities. Unfortunately that has meant our community is getting smaller. This year the turnout was not like it had been in years past. It's a sad part of life but I was thankful that we sill had enough interested folks in gathering for our egg hunt at Kennedy Grove. I find it sweet seeing the children, who I've known since diaper days (or before birth in some cases) getting older. I love seeing how their faces change; I am always tickled by the conversations these little people can hold now and I am left in awe of they mystery of time; how it goes by so quickly leaving in it's wake so many changes while leaving some things the same. 

I am not sure how many more years our little community mom's group will continue to have our egg hunt but my heart sighed a thank you, that for now, we remain together and take part in silly little, fun aspects of childhood like finding a candy filled egg.

1 comment:

  1. I love your photos every year! It brings back sweet memories and I love seeing the kids get bigger!


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