Sunday, September 22, 2024



The girls and I made it to our final New York destination, Woodstock, after several days in the City, visiting friends and family, showing the girls my old stomping grounds and indulging our tastebuds.

Woodstock is where my spiritual teacher Bella lives, as well as my best friend Bob and several other close friends. Time on the mountain, relaxing, being in each other's presence, breaking bread and taking in all that good energy was a main motivator for returning to New York with my two small gems.

We were still in the tail end of a hurricane, so we had glorious down pouring of rain and strong, warm winds, forcing us to make mindful plans throughout our days. A trip to the bookstore? Let's wait until the rain lets up just a bit. Want to go for a hike? Well, there is torrential rain outside so let's stay in bed and read after we sit at the table and have lunch. Our friend Robyn, she is coming up isn't she? No, she has to wait a day as it's not safe. Okay, let's just hang out here. 

Those several days of on-going in the moment moments made for sweet down time. We did get to take some walks through town. Some friends got to come visit, while others could not. We got to go to dinner one night at the Chinese buffet, where we sat for hours, eating, sharing stories and telling jokes. It was all just so perfect. The girls know the names of the important people in my life. They even have some relationships but like with our cousins, it had been some time. To be in person, to share moments in the moment, connecting and being together, it allowed the girls (who are at an age where they can appreciate and sustain connection) to get to know my tribe better and to start to expand their own relationships with some of the people who mean so much to me.

Because of the weather, the girls and I ended up spending a lot of time as well. We slept in the same room, had lunch on our own, finally made it to a book store in Saugerties, where we also wandered a bit in and out of stores, while avoiding the rain.  It all felt so relaxed and perfect. Time in a place I love so much. It was ironic, being just an hour or so from where I grew up but never really felt at home. Yet just a short drive North, to the sacred mountain, where some of our tribe lives, that felt like home. The girls both commented how peaceful it was in Woodstock, how they could live there and how much they enjoyed their time. 

I was grateful that the girls got to spend time with Bella. She is getting older and it is showing. To have them be with her while she is still independent and able to share her warm heart and wisdom, that was incredibly important to me.

When the time came to pack the car and drive down the mountain, I felt sad. I am not sure how long that space will remain a place to go and restore but at least the memories have been made and the energy and love cemented within us.

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