Sunday, September 13, 2020

Farewell King Bodhi


This summer we had to say goodbye to our King Bodhi. He lived to be 14 years and two weeks old. It's been just under two months and his presence is still deeply felt and as equally missed.  There are occasions when I wake up at night thinking I have to take him to the litter box (he could no longer get there on time at the end. My day consisted of half a dozen trips to bathroom with him). I find that I still look for him and when I see his treats on the counter (I can't bare to take throw them yet), I get teary. There have been a few nights, laying in bed in the dark with Mr. Samson Cat next to me, when I have allowed myself that deep bellied cry. Mr Samson sensing the grief along with me. 

We have a new kitty in the house that has brought rays of sunshine. Yet our tears are still not dry from the loss of our beloved Bodhi BoBo.

I adopted Bodhi with his brother Kai, when he was 8 weeks old. The two were litter mates and what an adorable pair they were. We lost Kai when he got out and disappeared when he was about 3. We never forgot him, esp with Bodhi being by himself. We ended up rescuing a year old Coco who was only with us a few years (he had kidney disease as a young cat) and then eventually Samson, when he was 3 months old. It took Bodhi a minute (well more like weeks or months) to get used to him but eventually we'd find them sleeping together, cleaning on another and occasionally chasing each other around the house. I think Bodhi's absence has been confusing for Samson, especially when a neighbor Siamese (almost identical to Bodhi, who we call Dodhi!) comes into the yard.  It is taking Samson time to adjust to the energy of our new kitty but we are hopeful they will bond.

When we adopted the new kitty, it took a few days to come up with a name. We settled on Kai to honor Bodhi's brother. In a way, it reminds us of Bodhi. We love the new little guy so much already. But Mr. Bodhi Bobo's, he was a part of the girls entire lives so far. Thus, his passing has impacted them significantly and had to teach them too early in life about death and life. 

Here are some photos of Mr Bodhi before he passed and a few of when he was a kitten.  We pray that Bodhi's next life is as good as his last one and are so grateful that he graced us with his regal presence.

1 comment:

  1. This made me cry, our dear furries mean so much to us! My Marley cat’s ears go flat as I get dressed to leave the house on occasion! She is so used to us being home all of the time with the pandemic. Selfishly, my furries, dogs or cats, have always been a great comfort to us!


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