Sunday, October 15, 2023

Casa de Cinco Los Gatos Locos







Cinco Gatos.

We never planned on having 5 cats.  Two,  we planned on, so they'd keep each other company and have a playmate.

So after Bodhi passed we got Kai to keep Samson company.

They never really bonded. Samson tolerates Kai. But he still misses Bodhi. 

Then Simba showed up in the backyard during covid. After a month or so of visits, he moved inside. 

Simba fell in love with Don and while he can hunt like a lion on the Masai Mara and prefers the outdoors, he always finds his way home to sleep, eat and lay on Don's lap.

Then Havana asked to foster cats. Okay, but we were not going to keep any. 

I fell in deep with Ri Ri (Rio), the 5 oz runt and could not imagine life without them.

 So then we were four. 


That was enough.

But then Nana got ill and had to move to ALF. I had to take Daisy back to California. I thought some friends were taking her.  I medicated her and flew her back with that intention.

It did not happen.

And so Daisy made five.   She may be the sweetest and gentlest of the posse but Kai is mean to her. Rio thinks she is his sister and playmate. Samson is scared of her because she has a crush on him. And Simba, well, I am not sure he even notices her presence much.

So, we are the Crazy House of  five gatos. They are all special in their unique way. We love them all equally but have our own relationships with them all.  They eat alot (alot). Poop alot (alot) and mostly get along, sometimes fight, but for the most part, we all seem to cohabit in peace.

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