Saturday, August 10, 2019

Denali National Park

It was a cold, overcast day when we went into Denali National Park. Which, I learned, is pretty typical. The weather may have prevented us from viewing the majestic mountain but we were blessed with seeing seventeen grizzly (mamas, papas and cubs), caribou and a golden eagle. The park rangers told us that they had never seen so many grizzly in a day. I told them it was because Havana brought Suckey (her stuffed bear, whom he has had since birth) and they all came out to see him!

While we were graced with wildlife we were taken back by the landscape; neverending mountains and lush green grassy hillsides. Rivers large and small snaked through the land at almost every turn. Even with the grey skies it was just spectacular. The land felt rich and sacred and it was an honor to see a place that was so remote yet so warm and welcoming to the heart. 

Getting in and out of the park is not easy. If we drove the RV we could only drive the first fifteen miles and that would be a teaser.  So we opted for a park tour bus through the National Park, which meant eight hours in a bus, which seemed daunting with two young kids. We thought they would be bored, especially when it was not a tour, just a ride with stops when we saw animals.  Thankfully boredom was kept at bay. We were enthralled the entire time, in awe of the awesomeness of the Creators masterpiece called Denali. We took some short hikes during the day, the crisp, cold air filling our lungs and our souls drinking in the beauty all around us. It was a very special day, which Havana summed up nicely at the end. "That was a really good day."

My photos are crappy due to being on a bus and taking photos through glass but they will have to do. The real memories will leave on in our hearts just as we saw them with our eyes.

That faint white blurp is another bus in the distance. The road, all gravel after mile fifteen, was narrow and often winded around high, sharp cliffs. Something not for those with fear of heights.

Baby Girl passed out. At some point, she had to close her eyes. Not enough ten hour sleeping nights since we arrived!

These antlers were so heavy! Only a very large, very muscular, extremely strong four legged would be able to have those atop their head!

Golden Eagle. Massive, magnificent creature. 

Luvey & Ellie were tickled to see bear but Suckey, oh my, he was so happy to see his kind we almost had to leave him behind with them! (that is his red head back there!)
Caribou. We saw more then a dozen along our route today. We also saw Dall sheep but they were so high on the mountain that I was unable to photograph them.

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