Sunday, August 16, 2015

Planting Fields Arboretum

The girls and I have safely arrived to New York. Our long planned trip is now officially in progress! And while we are only a couple of days in, we have already had some fun adventures.

One of the things I most love about traveling is being in the moment and embracing whatever pops up. That is exactly what happened on our first morning. A bit jet lagged, we grabbed (Real!) bagels (yes, that's a jab at California!) and with our dear friend Barbara headed out with her on an errand.

Here on Long Island, the landscape is green. No signs of drought. As we headed towards our destination, we were in the mists of some beautiful scenery. At one point, Barbara pointed out Planting Fields Arboretum which, she told the girls, "has a a mansion in there where the original owners lived." Havana, who was more tired couldn't care less but Amara, she asked us (repeatedly) if we could stop on the way back. And so we did!

The 400 plus acre  form estate of the Coe Family, turned State Park was the perfect place to stop, explore and just be. The rolling lawns and places to explore were too much for even tired Havana. Soon they were both running all about the place.

The mansion itself was quite magnificent (well other than the stuff dead animal heads in the Sporting Room). After travel and photography, the thing I love most to do is see homes and their unique styles.

It was a bit challenging to take it all in with two little kids who were so excited by the grandeur of it all and ran from room to room like bumble bees but it was still fun. I enjoyed learning some of the history of this uber wealthy family and taking a peak into what was their life in the early 20th century. It was a bit fascinating really.

While the house was quite remarkable, the grounds were what stood out. There are green houses and gardens throughout with rare and beautiful plants and flowers. We only caught a glimpse of some of them but it was clear that this was a well cared for place.

I didn't bring my camera so I was unable to take many photos but thankfully with my cell phone I was able to capture a few of our spontaneous first adventure in NY.

For more information on the Coe Mansion or Planting Fields check out this link;

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