Friday, September 12, 2014

Willy Wonka Land (aka Powell's Candy Shop)

Powell's candy shop in Berkely is a sugar addict's heaven. You can find every old school and new school candy, chocolate and more in their packed store. I have only been there twice and I limit what we get but man, it's good. Dangerously good.

I remember as a kid going to my Uncle Joe and Aunt Dottie's house; when they retired Uncle Joe had an ice cream truck. He would let my brother and I on and we could pick what we wanted; My taste buds fondly remember the candy buttons,the gum inside inside the baseball cards I loved to collect and of course, ice cream.

When I little we were very close with my cousins Susan, Larry, Alaine and Julie. When they (and my brother Mark) began to have their Bar and Bat Mitzvah's the receptions were held at Singer's hotel. At some point the band leader would start to sing "Candy Man" and out would roll tables of candy with bazooka joe bubble gum, cotton candy machines, carmel apples, more candy buttons, and a whole mess of pure sugar treats. The kids were allowed to go up (or run up!) and fill their bags with whatever they wanted. It was like being in Willy Wonka's house! I remember those times with a big grin, happy heart and aching pancreas! It was awesome! So when I walk into Powell's I am transformed for a moment back in time and that almost as sweet at the red licorice ropes I am going to buy!

 I have to admit, this hippie dippie Mama likes Hello Kitty. I have since our family visited California the summer before 6th grade and we visited a Hello Kitty store in Sausalito. I am not sure about eating H.K. candy but this was cute!

They even had Willy Wonka playing!!

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